Excellent, let's see whether we have the sort of thing you are looking for.
We have produced a few documents for you, mostly in response to previous questions etc., which
we think may be able to answer any questions that you have. So, take a look through them and
see whether they do help. If not, you can always
get in contact with us and
one of us is bound to know the answer.
All documents are available in PDF format:
PDF format. Download size: 442kb
Our Advertisiers information pack should answer any questions that you may have about how to advertise on OzLeisure.com.au as well as the benefits of advertising and lots, lots more.
PDF format. Download size: 386kb
Goes into more specific details about each of the features available with OzLeisure.com.au. More of a technical reference guide for those people responsible for planning your listing.
PDF format. Download size: 444kb
This is a gerenal "Tips & Tricks" document which sets out the most important items to display in your listing, which words and phrases are likely to enable users to find your listing, and what to provide on your listing so that users are more likely to make an enquiry to you, rather than to leave and look for something different. We hope it helps.